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Pre-recorded Classes

Previously-recorded classes to be enjoyed at your leisure.

Pre-recorded Classes: Welcome
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This flow was originally designed to fit into a working-from-home lunch break, but can be slotted in to any time of day where you feel like you need to press pause on all the peripheral noise, and top up your batteries. Following an energising opening sequence of Sun Salutation A variations, we explore our options for side plank and pepper our flows with therapeutic twists and outer hip opening. Stop. Move. Breathe. Lighten your load a little!

Pre-recorded Classes: Welcome
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This class offers opportunities to challenge and playfully push boundaries in your asana practice. Beginning with dynamic sun salutation A variations and fiery core work, we move into longer flows in preparation for Dancing Shiva (Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana) variations.

This class offers insight into what's involved in my Level 2 and Strong Vinyasa flows - so why not have a go from the comfort of home! 

Pre-recorded Classes: Welcome
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